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Image Gallery 1
Image Gallery 2
Image Gallery 3
Image Gallery 4
Image Gallery 5
Image Gallery 6

Gallery One Abstract Paintings
The first three images in this gallery are from my Music Series. These paintings are centered around classical music instruments. I have collaged actual sheet music directly to the painted canvas. The remaining images represent my abstract paintings, which are painted in a style that I have developed over several years of
painting. I seek to evoke a quality of light, color, and rhythm on the canvas in which each
viewer responds to in a unique way. Please e-mail me through the link on the Contact page
for pricing and availability of any paintings shown on my site.

Gallery Two Figurative Paintings
My interest in figurative painting goes back to my early years of painting and continues to this day. My curiosity with the human form is less literal; I am more interested about how the human form can be used in an abstract interpretation. In this less than literal point of view I find an entry to the mystery that surrounds all of our existence. I am interested in introducing the viewer to a more contemplative type of exploration of the “self”. I have recently added a few new pieces which explore the tradition of religious paintings in the “Old World” style we find familiar within the churches of Mexico and Europe. Please contact me by e-mail for prices and availability.

Gallery Three Landscape Paintings
As I travel, I make photographic records that I use back in the studio to inspire my Landscape paintings. I do not always paint in order to achieve an exact representation of my photographs, but use the photograph to suggest or inspire my compositions. I will also paint on location, but sometimes I find this style of painting a little limiting. Many of the paintings in this gallery were made during a month long stay in Ohio on the Muskingum River. Please contact by e-mail if you would like information about the paintings in this gallery.

Gallery Four Future Paintings
This gallery will have new paintings added as they become available. Please check back often to view my progress. Thanks.

Gallery Five Archival Pigment Prints
In this gallery you will find several of my paintings available as Archival Pigment Prints. The most current advanced inkjet technology is used to reproduce my paintings. Preliminary tests indicate a print life expectancy beyond 75 years. All prints are made under my direct supervision and are numbered and signed before they leave the studio. You can choose to have the image printed on heavy weight fine art paper or canvas. Paper prints can be over matted before framing; the canvas prints are stretched and attached to stretcher bars. All images are available in various sizes. Please email me for a price quote.